Please put a name on all your child(ren)’s belongings that come to school – especially coats, jackets, and snow boots. Each child has a cubby for personal things.
Your child may not bring toys or personal items to the center. Personal items include jewelry, pillows, dolls, brushes, combs, books, movies, and crayons. The school assumes no responsibility for any items.
Cubbies are for sheets, blankets, coats, clothes, papers, etc. Cubbies are not for money, toys, medicines, lotions, or any such materials.
Money should not be brought to the center or kept in the child’s belongings. If money happens to slip in, it will be taken and kept in the office for parents.
Please do not allow your child to bring candy or gum to the center at any time. It will be taken and trashed. To celebrate a birthday, check with the director before planning. Do not bring homemade foods – only unopened store-bought items may be brought to the center.