Tuition and other fees

Parent handbook

​All tuition fees are due and payable (in advance) each Monday for the current week and may be paid monthly in advance.

Weekly Rates

Tuition weekly rates are available upon request.

​Parental Fees

Parental Fees are due the first day of the month.  These are the fees that Department of Social Service has set up for you to pay the center. Day One has nothing to do with setting these fees up.  If there is a problem with these fees, you need to contact Social Service.

​Late Fees

Children attending day care over 10 hours are subject to a late fee of $6.00 until 5:30 pm. Late fees after 5:30 are $6.00 every three minutes after 5:30 pm. For Example:

6:01 pm to 6:03 pm equals    $6.00 per child
6:04 pm to 6:06 pm equals  $12.00 per child
6:07 pm to 6:09 pm equals  $18.00 per child

​Registration Fees

Day One’s annual registration fee is $30.00 and payable at the time of enrollment. Registration fees cover administrative cost and is not refundable.

​Delinquent Accounts

Delinquent accounts will not be tolerated.  Tuition is a flat, nonrefundable fee. If a child is sick for five days or more, with a doctor’s note, the tuition may be refunded. However, refunds are given at the Director’s discretion and require Director approval.